The Flatmates - Episode 9: The favour

Michal: I'm going to see a film tonight. Will anyone like to come with me?

Alice: Oh, I'd love to Michal, but I have to iron all these shirts for Tim.

Helen: Look, why don't you go with Michal and I'll iron the shirts?

Michal: Oh, Helen, that's so kind of you.

Alice: But don't you want to go to the cinema too?

Helen: Yes, but I need to study. I'll do the shirts, phone the landlord about keeping the cat and then I'll hit the books.

Alice: Oh, thanks, we owe you. Bye!

Michal: Bye!

Helen: Oh, Cat! What could I do? They seem made for each other.


Словарик к переводу

favour - покровительство, польза, одобрение

anyone - никто, любой

iron (ironed; ironed) - гладить/погладить (утюгом)

shirt - рубашка

landlord - владелец, хозяин квартиры

keeping - хранение, соблюдение

hit (hit; hit) - поражать, нажимать, ударять; (сущ.) хит, успех, саркастическое замечание, всплеск
